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@sarajw Physios are awesome, right?! I had their help with two major surgeries/injuries and the after-care and my body wouldn't work as well as it does today without them. Glad you are making progress. 🤞
@jimmitchell ah that makes sense. I do know that there is a thing on MB for using emojis as categories but I always forget it when writing posts.
@otaviocc What made you decide to change to mastodon? Because you simply don't use MB because of Bear? Or was there another reason?
@dieliebenessy Ich musste erst „weiter oben“ schauen wo du hingefahren bist. Aber es sah schon stark nach NL aus. Viel Spaß. 😄
@manton How is that supposed to work? I can only filter posts by text in title or body. There is no setting for images…
@manton I don't seem to be able to post this video on my regular blog, that's why I share it from my testblog. It's about a small CSS bug when scrolling sideways.
@manton Here's a little bug with side-scrolling on MB
@manton here's a little side-scrolling bug I just found.
<video controls="controls" playsinline="playsinline" src="" width="640" height="416" poster="" preload="none"></video>
@leitmedium Dachte ich mir auch so, als ich drüber stolperte.
@bitboxer I wasn't aware. Thanks for the link!
@leitmedium Guter Tipp! Man kann die Liste hinter dem + auch neu sortieren, wenn man lange tippt und dann die Dinger hin- und herschiebt. So kann man wichtige Dinger von der zweiten Seite nach vorn bekommen.
@holgerfrohloff One site I have in my RSS feed is I use it for online/tech news. It's where I've learned about Mozilla's strategy. I usually click through to the website if I want to read the article since they've removed full articles from their RSS feed (boooh! 😠). The have lots of ads. ☹️
@yordi Yes, limiting yourself intentionally also frees you up to be ok with doing less. Don't make leisure time activities part of the rat race. That's working for me, at least.
@holgerfrohloff This was a reply to @yordi's post. Only I forgot that I can link to his Mastodon account properly. Sorry.
@holgerfrohloff @davidmarsden I wrote a follow-up post
@rug_b See you in November.
@fnordfish Wow gemischte Gefühle, wenn ich die Bilder sehe.
@schm Yes. You are right. I shouldn’t have put it that way. It’s available like that since the update to the latest macOS.
@maique Astonishingly beautiful 🌈😍
@maique 🙇