
Full Post List

Oct 16, 2024: I continued to read “Tress and the Emerald Sea” and it’s been given me thoughts like: The thing about going by subway is that you might be …

Oct 10, 2024: Guter Artikel von Beim Spiegel wird geleitartikelt, für ein Verbot der AfD sei es “zu früh”, “Zunächst müssen alle anderen …

Oct 10, 2024: Ich musste mal …

Oct 10, 2024: Falls ihr euch Argumente zurechtlegen möchtet, um mit Menschen zu Themen wie dem Rechtsruck zu diskutieren und dabei in der Lage sein wollt dem …

Oct 9, 2024: As I’ve written before, I’ve switched browsers to Vivaldi and am very happy about that choice: I used to be a big fan of Mozilla’s Firefox …

Oct 8, 2024: The brightest flame burns quickest Maybe the answer is simpler than I think. Maybe I should just keep things simple. If I like my coffee the way it tastes, that should be enough. If I …

Oct 8, 2024: Some small thoughts on the Middle East This is a very personal, moving piece by @jsonbecker. It’s surreal to see your cousin in a Washington Post video. It’s worse when the reason she’s …

Oct 2, 2024: I recently wrote about Pinboard and how I use Obsidian to save bookmarks. For saving website to reference later, which you could call bookmarking, I …

Oct 2, 2024: Currently reading: Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson 📚

Sep 30, 2024: A quote from Shelby Foote: “I can’t begin to tell you the things I discovered while I was looking for something else.” In that regard a practical …

Sep 26, 2024: This morning I was able to reproduce a bug(?) I came across using Halide. Photos seem to disappear randomly. At first I thought I was imagining and …

Sep 25, 2024: It’s #processZero Wednesday according to @maique 📷

Sep 25, 2024: This! Israel is out there assassinating hundreds of civilians on a daily basis and no one fucking cares Niléane …

Sep 25, 2024: A few years back I memorised the shortcut to create a new folder in Finder on Mac. It’s Cmd-N, Cmd-W, Cmd-Shift-N. Works every time. 🙈

Sep 25, 2024: Fedi(verse) is for losers? I don't care. From where I sit, I don’t see that we have a strategy. Fedi is fine and all, but it doesn’t scare anyone. That’s not good enough. Twitter was always …

Sep 25, 2024: Since switching to Vivaldi, yesterday For now I will switch and try out Vivaldi. The feature set makes somehow sense and what I've seen about the …

Sep 25, 2024: Pinboard is dead. At least for me. Let me tell you how I bookmark in 2024. Yesterday, I read an opinion about the bookmarking service I am a user since 2010. In 2019 I paid ~$210 for a 10 year contract because I …

Sep 20, 2024: In order to fulfill my part in documenting life and the seasons here’s the first chestnut 🌰 I saw this year. Autumn is coming.

Sep 14, 2024: It’s impressive how much greener the grass is on our side since we installed our automated irrigation system. 🥳

Sep 14, 2024: I canceled my SetApp subscription Yesterday, I canceled my SetApp subscription. It’s around 110€ per year and I only use 3-4 apps from it. Did a quick i research and saw that I pay …

Sep 12, 2024: Started reading: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson 📚 I am drawn into the story and am interested in the characters. Good start.

Sep 12, 2024: Discarded: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson 📚 I tried to read it for a few days but never got into the story. Somehow the phrasing …

Aug 31, 2024: Iced Americano ☕️

Aug 31, 2024: Good Morning ☕️

Aug 30, 2024: Started reading: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson 📚

Aug 4, 2024: Finished reading: The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson 📚 My first Sanderson book. I didn’t know what to …

Jul 17, 2024: I recently found1 and older post by @manton about integrating footnotes2. This post is a only-slightly hidden exercise in using them. I use Omnivore …

Jul 17, 2024: I used to be a big fan of Mozilla’s Firefox browser. Now I read about For Advertising Firefox Now Collects User Data By Default. Learning about …

Jul 16, 2024: One more Ed Zitron quote I hate to be that guy, but it’s all beginning to remind me of the nebulous roadmaps that cryptocurrency con artists used to …

Jul 16, 2024: It’s kind of like saying you’re on the first step to becoming Spider-Man because you’re a man. Ed Zitron in his latest email newsletter on the ai …

Jul 16, 2024: Heute morgen auf dem Weg zum Jugendamt. Wir brauchten ein Dokument für die Schule neu ausgestellt. Das ursprüngliche hatten wir verlegt 🙈. Das …

Jul 11, 2024: I just added stubs to pages I want to fill on this blog. You can find them in the navigation already even though they are quite empty still. Adam Keys …

Jul 11, 2024: Something on my feature branch breaks a feature that used to work before. That feature is only losely related to the changes I made. The feature that …

Jul 11, 2024: A new Alfred workflow: Quickly open Merge Requests in GitLab Synopsis I created a workflow for Alfred so I can quickly open all the merge requests that are assigned to me. If the query “review” is …

Jul 10, 2024: I am using Apple’s 100 best albums of all time page & right now am at number 95: Usher’s Confessions. Usually I listen to Rock and …

Jul 2, 2024: Wonderful. Thank you for sharing

Jul 1, 2024:

Jun 24, 2024: Finished reading: Cantoras by Caro De Robertis 📚 Moving, inspiring. What a journey. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💙💜💖🫶

Jun 10, 2024: Since Bartender 5 for Mac was sold without informing me as a longtime user to Applause Group — which I don’t know and don’t want to get to …

Jun 7, 2024: Finished reading: Golden Fool by Robin Hobb 📚 Just finished. I believe I never read a book quicker than this. It’s like many second parts of a …

Jun 7, 2024: Finished reading: Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb 📚 I finished yesterday. Being sick and laying in bed all day has upsides. Wonderful start to the …

Jun 3, 2024: Bouldern im Family Rocks in Oranienburg ★★★★☆ Gestern war wieder Bouldern angesagt. Da in der Berta Block demnächst die Berta Block Masters anstehen (Samstag am 8.6.), werden die Routen aktuell …

May 22, 2024: In meinem RSS feed erscheinen regelmäßig die Beiträge von Mit dabei sind Posts in denen man sieht, dass er einen Artikel …

May 16, 2024: Dadurch, dass ich nun ein Backbone für mein iPhone habe, benutze ich es ab und an wieder ohne Hülle. Die Apple Finewoven Case passt nicht ins …

May 15, 2024: Erd-, Stachel- und Johannesbeeren halten sich an ihre Jobbeschreibung! 👍🫶

May 15, 2024: Vogelgesang während der Hunderunde Heute morgen, während ich Milo spazieren führte, habe ich wieder Vögel bestimmt. Ich bin auf die App durch aufmerksam geworden. …

May 8, 2024: Today is the final day of a three-day workshop on FHIR and the firely server. I am actually writing some C# code today. Haven’t interacted with …

Apr 26, 2024: A good neighborhood store might make me think, “I wonder if Sam has anything interest in stock this week?” A good blog should make me hope Sam has new …

Apr 21, 2024:

Apr 21, 2024:

Apr 12, 2024: Yesterday I visited the Elixir / Ruby user group mashup in Berlin. I gave a talk about my professional journey and why I left freelancing for good. …

Apr 11, 2024: We’re meeting today at @bitcrowd with our friends from @elixirberlin to celebreate their 100th meetup! We’ll talk about ChatGPT and …

Mar 9, 2024: walking the dog

Feb 12, 2024: The puppy needs rest! So much today today! 🐶

Feb 8, 2024: Currently watching Griselda Blanco on Netflix. I continue to be amazed and shocked at the same time how the storytelling and cinematography make you …

Jan 24, 2024: The comprehensive guide to doing pull requests This is a guide on what I consider the best way to do a pull request1. There are many ways to do this. I consider this to be the best way because of …

Jan 24, 2024: I really like using Lillihub by @heyloura for accessing and you should all have a look at it! One tiny thing I’ve just noticed: When …

Jan 23, 2024: This morning I restarted writing my journal entries in DayOne. At some point I’ve switched to writing those in Obsidian, painfully recreating my …

Jan 23, 2024: Started reading: The Ember Blade (The Darkwater Legacy) by Chris Wooding 📚 I am reading the German translation. I am in chapter 4 and unsure. On the …

Jan 22, 2024:… Höcke stoppen! Wir müssen alles tun, was wir können um den Faschismus aufzuhalten. Bitte unterzeichnet!

Jan 21, 2024: Finished reading: Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb 📚 I sat and just couldn’t put it down. Read until past 1am. It was moving and a great final …

Jan 16, 2024: My stream is about to start today. I will run it for about 75 minutes now. Today I’ll try to use GitHub Copilot as a coding buddy. …

Jan 9, 2024: Today there won’t be a stream as I have a terrrible cold and I don’t want to share my sniffing and sneazing with you all 🤧 😷 🤒

Jan 9, 2024: Another day, another stream Yesterday I’ve streamed for another 2 hours. While I started with a “Just Chatting” segment, I quickly turned to programming again. …

Jan 8, 2024: In a few minutes my stream will be live again. Today it’s mostly chatting, maybe a bit of programming. Would really make my day if you dropped …

Jan 5, 2024: Today’s stream went quite well again. I started with fixing an algorithm which was hard to get correct for me, yesterday. Afterwards, I …

Jan 5, 2024: Currently reading: The Art of Gig 2: Superstructures by Venkatesh Rao 📚 The book has no cover here to show you, unfortunately. I am already in chapter …

Jan 5, 2024: Currently reading: Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb 📚

Jan 5, 2024: Finished reading: Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb 📚

Jan 5, 2024: I’ll be starting my stream now

Jan 5, 2024: Good morning from snowy Berlin.

Jan 3, 2024: I will start streaming now 🎉

Jan 3, 2024: I don’t know whether I made a mistake but submitting my reply to your post didn’t seem to work @V_ ? The form to submit a comment on your …

Jan 3, 2024: I want to clearly speak out that I don’t share DHH’s views or opinions. I love working with Ruby on Rails and will continue using it for …

Jan 3, 2024: Wonderful sunrise over Berlin today

Jan 2, 2024: Spent 2.5hours streaming today I spent 2.5hours streaming today. Last year I took up streaming and did around 2 hours in total. Today I just continued and didn’t stop until it I had …

Dec 25, 2023: Merry Christmas 😘

Nov 18, 2023: Unser Bad Renovierungsprojekt dauert länger als gedacht. Immerhin sind wir heute voran gekommen. Die letzten 2,5 Wochen mussten wir vor allem auf das …

Nov 5, 2023: Port Askaig im Whisky Sour 🥃 😍

Nov 3, 2023: Bin den halben Weg zur Arbeit gelaufen. Der Herbst ist da.

Nov 2, 2023: On my way to the barbershop yesterday. I liked how there’s such a clear vantage point.

Oct 31, 2023: Guter Artikel! Debatte über Migration: Warmes Herz, kühler Kopf - Wir müssen uns ehrlich machen: Wir schaffen das nicht mehr. Es kommen zu …

Oct 30, 2023: I was 94% accurate! ✅⬜️⬜️✅✅✅✅✅ Can you do better?… Great game!

Oct 30, 2023: We did a little walk through central Berlin on the weekend.

Oct 30, 2023: My current desk setup. Went back to one monitor + laptop screen.

Oct 28, 2023: Finished reading: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 📚 I liked this a lot. Gamers and people born in the late 70s/early 80s have …

Oct 27, 2023: This is new (to me) in Apple Music. Animations!

Oct 21, 2023: Das war der Beginn…

Oct 21, 2023: So sehen vier Stunden Arbeit aus. Gut voran gekommen, aber noch viel zu tun.

Oct 21, 2023: Eben waren wir im Baumarkt und haben die Fliesen abgeholt. Außerdem Fliesenkleber und anderen Kram. Jetzt leerräumen und vorbereiten. Nachher werden …

Oct 20, 2023: Dev note for catalog 2023-10-20 What I was able to achieve Today I continued work on the catalog. I streamed for about 90 minutes to Twitch while working. I continued work where I …

Oct 20, 2023: Starting my stream now. Be gentle I am a beginner with streaming…

Oct 19, 2023: Really happy that I’ve discovered Lofi Girl for background music. Their streams really hit my mood on most days, depending on what I need. Jazzy …

Oct 18, 2023: I went to YouTube with the goal of finding and watching a video for a specific topic/question. Then I saw thumbnails of other videos and clicked. 20 …

Oct 17, 2023: Developing React Native apps really is a major PITA.

Oct 17, 2023: I use Macs since ~2008. I work as a professional programmer since ~2011. Since then I wasn’t able to use AppleScript (and recently …

Oct 16, 2023: I hate computers. Maybe I should become a baker.

Oct 16, 2023: And now is down for me. But only me it seems. I just want to go back to bed. Nothing works. This is frustrating.

Oct 16, 2023: I really hate what they did to MacOS. Everything is so confusing now, you have a bazillion system settings entries but nothing is easily found …

Oct 13, 2023: I switched from using Docker Desktop to Colima. Won’t look back. Really happy with Colima’s simplicity. Docker Desktop was buggy for me, …

Oct 13, 2023: It took a few days (no idea why!) but now I can use ChatGPT-4’s browsing feature. This changes a lot of things for me and makes my life wayyyy …

Oct 13, 2023: Yesterday I tried my hand at something new: Streaming on Twitch. You see I started developing (again) on a side project. It’s called Catalog for …

Oct 12, 2023: Safari profiles. A nice start but not done well enough I tried to use Safari for a week now. The new PROFILES feature lured me in. Unfortunately it is still not what I need from a browser and Firefox just …

Oct 12, 2023: Reviving and working on an oldish MacBookPro with Touchbar. The fan noise is really loud. Almost forgot how it used to to be with these things. Still, …

Oct 11, 2023: Love Marc Martel‘s shirt tonight

Oct 9, 2023: Currently reading: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 📚 Habe ich mir ausgeliehen aus der Bibliothek über die Libby App. Bin …

Oct 6, 2023: Currently reading: Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb 📚 Lese dann lieber den zweiten Teil weiter. Der erste war super!

Oct 6, 2023: Gestern angefangen zu lesen: Fall; or, Dodge in Hell by Neal Stephenson 📚 heute aufgehört. Hat mich nach dem ersten Kapitel überhaupt nicht abgeholt.

Oct 6, 2023: Ich habe meine Website umgezogen, komplett vom iPad aus Bisher ist meine Unternehmens-Website mit auf AWS gehostet. Das ist nicht grün und nicht gut. Tatsächlich habe ich mir bisher nicht die Zeit …

Oct 6, 2023: Hey @vincent on iPhone 13 mini if I create a new post with the latest version of the micro.blocg app on iOS the text does not scroll upwards, but …

Oct 6, 2023: Visuelle Markierungen im ebook Reader Als ich gerade diese Stelle markiert habe, fiel mir auf, dass die Trennungsstriche, (wie heißt das korrekt?) der getrennten Wörter auf der rechten …

Oct 5, 2023: Closing Keynote heute von mit Katzen!🐈 Super.

Oct 5, 2023: Teenager Wlan Seit ein paar Wochen spinnt unser Wlan daheim. Vielleicht zählen Wlan-Jahre doppelt oder so. Wir sind vor 6 Jahren in das Haus gezogen. Eventuell ist …

Oct 5, 2023: Heute auf der Konferenz Agile meets Architecture in Berlin.

Oct 4, 2023: Monotype hat Fontshop nun fast komplett kaputt gemacht. So traurig das Ganze.

Oct 4, 2023: Currently reading: This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See by Seth Godin 📚

Oct 4, 2023: Finished reading: Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb 📚

Oct 3, 2023: Feiertagsnachmittagsbeschäftigung mit der ganzen Familie. Habe mit der kleinen Tochter angefangen. Am Ende haben alle mitgemacht. 😅😍

Sep 27, 2023: Ich habe die Bestellung meines iPhone 15 Pro storniert. Clickbait 😂 Tatsächlich war mir beim Bestellen nicht bewußt, dass nur das Pro Max die neue …

Sep 26, 2023: MacOS Sonoma macht das Nutzen von AirPods wirklich deutlich besser. Das Pairing klappt schneller und funktioniert deutlich besser und zuverlässig. …

Sep 21, 2023: Wann ich das letzte Mal etwas zu ersten Mal gemacht habe? Heute! Und morgen. Ich bin heute mit dem Zug von Berlin nach Baden-Württemberg gefahren um …

Sep 21, 2023: Heute unterwegs!

Sep 20, 2023: Worin der Vorteil von (o. eigenen Mastodon Instanz) liegt? Wollte gestern erwähnen, habe aber den Buddonbohm von …

Sep 19, 2023: Wisst ihr noch? Früher, als noch Rezepte bloggte? Jetzt kocht er nur noch. 🫣 Soo lecker.

Sep 13, 2023: Heute hab ich weiter Spaß mit der Implementierung eines OAuth Flows für eine mobile Applikation. In das Backend zu der App baue ich das gerade ein. …

Sep 11, 2023: Wir haben am Wochenende unsere Garage ausgemüllt, aufgeräumt und neu sortiert. Deutschland wurde Weltmeister. Wir waren oft im Pool baden und haben …

Sep 6, 2023: Bei der Physiotherapie gibt es WLan in Flaschen.

Aug 25, 2023: Mein aktueller Status? Ich habe mir eben einen Kalendereintrag für heute Nachmittag gemacht, mit einer Terminerinnerung 30min vorher, damit ich es …

Aug 23, 2023: Der Morgen startete ohne die Kinder, da sie beim Opa sind. Dadurch konnte ich eine Stunde auf dem Rad trainieren. Danach ging es ins Büro, wo ich nun …

Aug 18, 2023: Mein Git ist gerade unschön langsam. Commits, Rebases etc dauern viel länger, als sie sollten. Eigenartig. Vermutlich möchte der Rechner einfach ins …

Aug 18, 2023: Jetzt gleich fertig mit diesem Arbeitstag. Vorhin 2h Pause zum Abendessen gehabt, danach noch mal dran gesessen. Zumindest bin ich gut voran gekommen.

Aug 18, 2023: Moin. Heute arbeitarbeitarbeit. Hoffe, die Last geht bald zurück!

Aug 17, 2023: Habe mich gerade in Twitter eingeloggt, um sämtliche Connected Apps und Dinge zu deaktivieren. Das erste, was ich sehe ist 👇, wozu ich denke 🖕. So …

Aug 17, 2023: Blödsinn, TikTok und mein Schlaf Berlin, 17. August Kennt ihr das, wenn ihr irgendwo etwas lest/seht und euch das die nächsten Tage weiter beschäftigt — obwohl es eigentlich Blödsinn …

Aug 13, 2023: Heute Geburtstagsfeier! So groß schon.

Aug 11, 2023: Ich kann ein Abo bei Apple nicht löschen. Wirklich großartig. Es wurde mir nicht angezeigt als aktiv, und ich kann es nicht kündigen. Problem habe ich …

Aug 11, 2023: Jetzt wartet die Arbeit wieder auf mich. Das wird heute ein langer Freitag, mit viel zu tun. Kundenprojekte, Besprechungen, Akquise, Steuerthemen und …

Aug 11, 2023: Ältere Damen im Wartezimmer Heute erneuter Kontrolltermin im Krankenhaus für die Schulter, inkl. Röntgen. Die Frau an der Anmeldung beim Röntgen entfernt ihre …

Aug 9, 2023: Seit Ewigkeiten heute mal wieder allein ins Kino. Muss mindestens 13 Jahre her sein. Mal sehen, wie der neue Indy wird.

Aug 7, 2023: Warten auf die Physiotherapie.

Aug 3, 2023: Gestern wieder etwas Radtraining und heute das erste Mal Fitness seit dem Unfall/der OP. Tut gut mich wieder zu bewegen. Jetzt beginnt der lange Weg …

Jul 29, 2023: Currently reading: Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb 📚 Gerade angefangen. Bin gespannt.

Jul 29, 2023: Finished reading: A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers 📚 Ein ruhiges Buch, bewegend und nachdenklich stimmend. Unterhaltsam und komisch. …

Jul 20, 2023: Currently reading: A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers 📚

Jul 20, 2023: Finished reading: Recursion: A Novel by Blake Crouch 📚 Habe lange nicht mehr ein so fesselndes Buch gelesen. Plötzlich war es halb drei in der Früh! …

Jul 14, 2023: Currently reading: Recursion: A Novel by Blake Crouch 📚

Jul 14, 2023: Finished reading: Dust (Silo Trilogy) by Hugh Howey 📚 What an amzing series this has been. Incredible!

Jun 22, 2023: Currently reading: Dust (Silo Trilogy) by Hugh Howey 📚

Jun 22, 2023: Finished reading: Shift (Silo Trilogy) by Hugh Howey 📚

Jun 14, 2023: Finished reading: Tennis - Das innere Spiel by W. Timothy Gallwey 📚 Habe jetzt nach 2 Dritteln das Buch abgebrochen. Es wiederholt sich jetzt einfach …

Jun 7, 2023: Finished reading: Project Hail Mary: A Novel by Andy Weir 📚 Inspiring, sometimes slightly overwhelming, thrilling and moving. A wonderful book. …

May 1, 2023: Ausklang

Apr 19, 2023: Am Wochenende waren wir bei Radhaus und haben neue Räder für die große Tochter Probe gefahren. Ich habe die Räder und Preisschilder fotografiert. Seit …

Apr 18, 2023: In seiner Übersicht über andere Blogs schreibt, dass er auf TikTok viel Nazischeiß sieht. Ich finde das erschreckend & …

Mar 22, 2023: Why I opened a pull request to Rails (again) It’s been a few years but I finally opened a PR to Rails again.… The situation is a bit yak-shaving: I wanted to …

Mar 16, 2023: moin

Mar 12, 2023: StarTrek Picard season 3 is the finest StarTrek I’ve seen in 30 years. So back to the essence. I applaud and thank the writers. And Frakes as …

Mar 12, 2023: StarTrel Picard season 3 is the finest StarTrek I’ve seen in 30 years. So back to the essence. I applaud and thank the writers. And Frakes as …

Mar 3, 2023: The meaning of life is to live it, as wholly as we can, as abundantly as we can, as bravely as we can, here and now, sharing the experience with …

Mar 1, 2023: Ich nehme an der GitHub Feature Preview „New Code Search and Code View“ teil. Das verbessert das Browsen von Repos auf GitHub beträchtlich. Es gibt …

Mar 1, 2023: Day 1: Secure

Feb 28, 2023: Testing Bookmarking Feature Read: Numeric Citizen …

Feb 28, 2023: Tagebuchblogggen 28.2.2023 Arbeit Beim Kunden bin ich heute endlich wieder gut voran gekommen. Die letzten Sprints haben sich gezogen, da ich große Themen hatte, die nicht immer …

Feb 28, 2023: Habe heute mal ein bissel mit SketchyBar herumgespielt. Herrliches Tool. Jetzt fehlt nur noch die Zeit, das zu konfigurieren und produktiv zu nutzen. …

Feb 16, 2023: Currently reading: Tennis - Das innere Spiel by W. Timothy Gallwey 📚

Feb 16, 2023: Finished reading: Weniger Steuern & mehr Vermögen by Alexander Keck 📚

Feb 10, 2023: Regarding the new Walden… there is a flash sale until 1 pm tomorrow, February 11 (EST). It’s $25 off. Use code Valden (V is for valentine’s 😜)

Feb 10, 2023: Wenn ich Termineinladungen wahrnehme, dann mittlerweile nur noch mit einem Kommentar: „Voll gerne!“ YouTube Video Andreas Bourani - Voll gerne (aus …

Feb 10, 2023: Just found this and thought it was funny

Feb 9, 2023: moin

Feb 3, 2023: Moin!

Jan 31, 2023: I don’t like all-dark websites. My eyes cannot read well in the dark and I struggle to adjust to black-on-white afterwards. I don’t get …

Jan 27, 2023: Wisdom from Sandi Metz „The verse method is getting simpler, but it still has more than one responsibility. This problem is reflected by the very structure of the code—the …

Jan 26, 2023: I just used this project to migrate my DayOne entries (over 3000) into Obsidian. Some small issues but in the end it worked perfectly and now I have …

Jan 24, 2023: I’m done with closed services by @rknightuk is spot on! I really like this shift as of lately to the open web. Maybe it really is turning full …

Jan 24, 2023: Want to know what my day is like? I am snoozing Slack to find enough headspace to think and am glad that the Apple Silicon Macs still get warm enough …

Jan 20, 2023: Tschüss Hamburg

Jan 20, 2023: I will try to use Readwise and their Reader app for my RSS reading for a few days. Ususally I use the on Mac and iOS. The …

Jan 20, 2023: My post about an article by @tomcritchlow appear weired on but fine on my own website

Jan 20, 2023: Anyway. There’s no real point here. But isn’t the web amazing? [@tomcritchlow]( …

Jan 20, 2023: idea for a low-fi solution to subscribe to keywords on the fediverse So today I read this interesting conversation by @rknightuk. The topic isn’t “finished” and he might post updates on the topic. If he remembers …

Jan 20, 2023: Honest question: Am I paranoid or too worried? People leave their stuff all alone on their desk in this WeWork space. Their phone, computer unlocked. …

Jan 20, 2023: So, heute arbeite ich beim Kunden in Hamburg. Immer wieder schön, diese Stadt.

Jan 17, 2023: Ich habe heute dieses Video gefunden Happiness by Steve Cutts und das passt ganz wunderbar zum Artikel „No other love“ von …

Jan 16, 2023: Moin. Der Tag und die Woche begann mit mehreren hysterischen Wutausbrüchen der jüngeren Tochter. Fun times. Jetzt endlich arbeiten 😅

Jan 14, 2023: Training ✅

Jan 13, 2023: Tonight we’ll have freshly made pitas with homemade fresh Tzaziki 😋😋😋

Jan 13, 2023: Utility tool to help migration from Gatsby to I wrote a little tool yesterday to help me normalize my markdown files from the Gatsby site to be able to import them into properly. …

Jan 12, 2023: After four days of drinking regular coffee the new espresso beans finally arrived. I’m surprised to see that the packaging doesn’t have the little …

Jan 12, 2023: Finally made the migration I finally made the migration to with my personal site All the posts and newsletters I’ve written are …

Jan 12, 2023: Dear is there an RSS feed for your website/articles? I couldn’t find one.

Jan 12, 2023: Oh I am beyond happy! My copy of The new Walden by Steelbrothers just arrived. Let’s put this on my MB bookshelf!

Jan 12, 2023: Moin. Erste Meeting des Tages ist fertig. Jetzt Fokuszeit!

Jan 10, 2023: Back to using Firefox as a default browser! My brief stint with Arc is over. I liked it for the split view feature. I disliked it for disappearing …

Jan 9, 2023: Last week on Hacker Newsletter I found this article about a better way to use your function keys on Mac. I am on the third day trying this out and …

Jan 9, 2023: Since around three weeks I transfer one todo to each next day. Somehow don’t take the time to do it, but would be great to actually tick it off. …

Jan 9, 2023: Moin. Staying home with the little one today as she is sick once again. 😷🤒 Trying to get some client work done in between things.

Jan 6, 2023: An advanced phishing scam for Apple IDs Warning: Advanced phishing attack. Got a pop up on both my iPhone & Apple Watch about password reset. I …

Jan 6, 2023: Moin. (Das Bild ist aus Dänemark vom 29.12.22)

Jan 6, 2023: Finished reading: GmbH gründen by Alexander Keck 📚

Jan 5, 2023: Tiny “game”: Who can tell me what that is?

Jan 5, 2023: Moin

Jan 4, 2023: I just found an empty note in Obsidian with the title “Haruki Murakami and Ursula Gräfe”. Now I would like to know why I created that. No …

Jan 4, 2023: I have a list of 30+ book recommendations saved from people whose opinions I value. What I have not saved is the way they talked about the book and …

Jan 4, 2023: The one who opens espresso beans like this is a bad person.

Jan 4, 2023: Mach dem Radtraining ist vor der Prophylaxe! Moin vom Zahnarzt

Jan 4, 2023: Guten Morgen. Jetzt gleich wieder auf das Rad, trainieren!

Jan 3, 2023: Started reading yesterday: Project Hail Mary: A Novel by Andy Weir 📚 I am on page 44 right now, somewhere in the third chapter I believe. Almost …

Dec 22, 2022: Finished reading: The Art of Gig 1: Foundations by Venkatesh Rao 📚 I liked the book and learned something new about consulting!

Dec 17, 2022: So I managed to buy a ticket for RadRace Tour de Friends 7 in Italy in September. I already rode it in 2021, before my big injury/rebirth 🤞🤘 Now I …

Dec 16, 2022: Last night I had a dream where I was searching for a song. I heard the melody in my head and tried to find out which song it was. I didn’t find out in …

Dec 12, 2022: I started December thinking I would find the time to do the Advent of Code challenges but no. It didn’t fit into my schedule. Don’t know …

Dec 12, 2022: If your work isn’t more useful or insightful or urgent than GPT can create in 12 seconds, don’t interrupt people with it. As often Seth puts it very …

Dec 11, 2022: Heute Rückfahrt. 🗺 Als ich am Bahnhof ankam fuhr direkt ein Zug ein, den ich nehmen konnte. Tatsächlich hatte er 25min Verspätung. Für mich war das …

Dec 10, 2022: Schreibpause

Dec 10, 2022: Kurze Unterbrechung des Schreibens.

Dec 10, 2022: Schreiben mit Blick auf das Wasser. Dazu eine entspannte Jazz Playlist im Hintergrund. Danke fürs Fragen, ich komme zurecht.

Dec 9, 2022: Rückblickend Ich schrieb ja, dass ich Bahn fuhr. Ich war unterwegs nach Werder (Havel) zu einem kleinen Hotel. Dort verbringe ich das Wochenende, allein und …

Dec 9, 2022: Was schön war […] Aber jetzt gerade, jetzt ist es still. Die Kinder weinen zuhause.

Dec 9, 2022: Wenn ich mal Bahn fahre… Bin mit der Bahn unterwegs statt dem Auto. Will gar nicht weit fahren, nur ein bissel Regio. Aber der ist zu spät und verspätet sich während der Fahrt …

Dec 9, 2022: My wonderful wife just brought me a bowl of delicious oatmeal. Thank you! Heaven. 👻🫶

Dec 9, 2022: With all the updates to that @manton pushes out (what a pace!) I am considering shutting down my own blog and hosting everything through …

Nov 30, 2022: I am slowly getting into a xmas mood. 🎄 Looking forward to ending this year and starting over. 😁

Nov 30, 2022: Got two tickets for Metallica in Hamburg next year. Thanks to being a legacy-status member for many years. 🤘💪😍

Nov 29, 2022: I have a little bug report for the MB client app on macOS for @manton

Nov 29, 2022: Worlde for Poker 😍

Nov 29, 2022: This is your reminder that this performance will make you feel better regardless of how you feel now. Listen and feel it:

Nov 29, 2022: Thanks to the detailed instructions provided by @manton and @jean I just enabled my custom domain for this microblog. I will now be discoverable for …

Nov 14, 2022: What’s the matter? My mad magnetic matte PenMat materialized, mate! Thanks @pentips!

Nov 8, 2022: und immer, wenn der Mond scheint, dann ist Showtime, dann ist Showtime. 🦉

Nov 2, 2022: It was a feast

Nov 1, 2022: Für #mbnov müsste ich jetzt englische Beiträge schreiben. Heute am 1.11. wäre das Wort figure dran. Aber ich poste einfach dieses Bild stattdessen.

Nov 1, 2022: Viele Halloween Kostüme in der Upper West Side heute. Großartiges Spektakel

Oct 30, 2022: So sah es heute aus. Von Liberty Island 🗽

Oct 27, 2022: Ein Foto vom gestrigen Tag

Oct 27, 2022: Ich bemerke wie relativ gleichgültig ich werde, wenn es um neue updates der Apfelfirma geht. Neu und flashy ist gar nicht mehr wichtig. Lieber …

Oct 22, 2022: Wenn dein Wasserhahn eine Anleitung benötigt, läuft was verkehrt.

Oct 19, 2022: Soul food für den heutigen Tag 😋

Oct 19, 2022: Heute morgen auf dem Weg ins Büro kurz angehalten und ein paar Fitnessübungen gemacht. Ich liebe diese „Sportinseln“, v.a. auch am Strand in Portugal …

Oct 17, 2022: Milchreis

Oct 15, 2022: Heute: Hecke schneiden

Oct 14, 2022: Posted on Friday, 14th at 4:13pm in Berlin A day in the Life

Oct 7, 2022: Mehr Herbst

Oct 7, 2022: Tri Tra Tralala der Herbst ist da.

Oct 6, 2022: I am really torn between sticking with the existing, working GatsbyJS site and continuing to write my custom site/blog software. The basics are …

Oct 5, 2022: Heute mal ein neues Büro probearbeiten mit Sicht auf den Amazon Tower

Oct 5, 2022: Maintaining custom software Jeena writes about the challenge to maintain a custom blog software. I've neglected my rails application which runs my own website for many many …

Oct 4, 2022: Was möchte mir der Autor damit sagen? Ich verstehe es wirklich nicht.

Sep 27, 2022: Christian Heilmann @codepo8 giving a talk in front of 🚢 in Hamburg at web-developer-conference 🥳

Sep 26, 2022: Ich lasse seit drei Tagen einen Snowflake Proxy in Docker auf meinem Rechner laufen. Bisher bewirkt es nix Schlechtes für mich und hoffentlich etwas …

Sep 23, 2022: Nachher gibt es endlich mal wieder Baked Oats zum Mittag. 😋😋😋

Sep 23, 2022: Den Morgen mit Radeln in der Garage beginnen. Eine Stunde Grundlage 😍😅

Jun 27, 2022: I left my iPhone out in the sun yesterday. Once I realised and took it away, it said that it overheated and needed to cool down before I could …

Jun 10, 2022: This morning I was able to gather quite a few strawberries 🍓 from our garden. 😍

Jun 9, 2022: Really made my day. What a wonderful comment.

Jun 2, 2022: It was supposed to be plural. Rails apps. 😉

Jun 2, 2022: I am migrating my Rails app from Azure App Services to It isn’t perfect, yet. But it is already soo much better than hosting on Azure as …

Jun 2, 2022: Just discovered a bug in the newest releaes of the Microblog for Mac app @manton (let’s see if attaching a .mov file works here…)

Jun 2, 2022: I just played WWDC Bingo and you can too! 😉…

May 26, 2022: Sitting in bed not able to sleep. 😣

May 23, 2022: MacOs 12 makes it harder to know the selected keyboard layout MacOS 12.4 changes the display of the selected keyboard layout. Before 12.4 it used to be a country’s flag. I could discern the selected layout …

May 16, 2022: I am very impressed by the exhaustiveness and attention to detail put into the guide for Rails’ ActiveStorage feature: …

May 13, 2022: During the day I usually switch between 1-2 client projects. For that I need different tabs in Firefox. To make that switch very easy and quick I use …

May 13, 2022: And this is how it looks:

May 13, 2022: I just found the setting how to use TailwindCSS css classes autocompletion in html.erb files. Now I can type the beginning of the class name and …

May 12, 2022: I appreciate the Dracula theme ( But… is there something like a Whiteula theme? I am not so much into dark themes… Just …

May 12, 2022: Thoughts about measuring input vs output and displaying measurements in dashboards by… found it …

May 11, 2022: Do I know any React freelancer who would like to take over a small project from me? I’m doing reviews of job applicants' take-home React …

May 10, 2022: Netlify let’s you play a little game of matching Emojis while you wait for your deploy to finish. That’s cute. 🤩

May 10, 2022: 😭🤬 bad code is bad 😩

May 9, 2022: I really like this game. Had a rough start and didn’t get it at first. Then tried it again sitting on a plane with nowhere to go. Now I can’t put it …

May 9, 2022: This morning I quickly set up an installation of FreshRSS to manage my RSS subscriptions. It syncs every 10 minutes on the server so my client (Reeder …

May 4, 2022: I’ve listened to the new Red Hot Chili Peppers album for a few times now. It feels good to her Frusciante’s voice and guitar playing. It …

May 4, 2022: Riding on Zwift (aka commuting to the wfh office) and reading @manton’s book (at on microblogging and the open web. 🥳

May 3, 2022: Staubsaugerroboter sind gar keine Roboter, sondern Saugetiere.

May 3, 2022: I just signed the web0 manifesto and you can too!

May 3, 2022: I brought an external display to my new desk in’s office. I really dig the change of scenery and having an optional commute again.

Apr 28, 2022: My timeline is pretty empty during the day as I mostly follow people from US timezones.

Apr 28, 2022: I just spent more than 60 minutes reading up on Arel and trying a bunch of different things just to learn that it won’t work. So back to writing …

Apr 28, 2022: Spatial audio with AirPods Pro when listening to music on my laptop is really confusing sometimes. After moving my head I wanted to make sure that the …

Nov 1, 2021: GitHub Codespaces port errors GitHub codespaces is a great feature by GitHub that let’s me work on an iPad way easier than it was before. It’s also cool for teams to …

Sep 24, 2020: Something new Changes! I joined my last client, Edeka, in April 2020. Since then I am not freelancing anymore. My old Wordpress site ran on quite expensive hosting. …

Nov 18, 2019: Onboarding new team members Tomorrow I will help a new team member onboard at my client. I am the acting tech-lead for the client right now and so it’s my job to make sure …

Nov 15, 2019: Opportunity cost Today I heard a recent episode of the Akimbo podcast by Seth Godin. The topic was opportunity cost. As a quick recap, here’s what Wikipedia has …

Nov 15, 2019: Why ist software so bad? A couple of days ago I talked about the Akimbo podcast by Seth Godin. It was an eposide about opportunity cost and how that relates to livelong …

Aug 16, 2019: Time to say goodbye to Drip This will be the last email that you’ll get from me sent by Drip. My account will be terminated tomorrow. I just spent around an hour saving …

Aug 9, 2019: When is the right time to break something? Please excuse this sensational headline. I am referring to classes in your software and to their design. But also to tests, but see below… Work The …

Aug 2, 2019: Speaking into a microphone Work On Tuesday I did something new for the first time. And I feel like I failed miserably. I hosted a webinar. Back in the beginning of the year, I …

Jul 24, 2019: Jouraling I am writing again. Mostly for myself. As a journal. In the future I’ll try things a bit differently around here: I want to share what I am …

May 21, 2019: Well this is confusing. I am a web developer and still have trouble getting this sorted. I want to: Publish and create microposts on my wordpress …

May 20, 2019: I just read Paul Jarvis‘ latest email… Now I am (again) motivated to turn away from platforms, switch to Linux and own …

May 18, 2019: On my way to Leipzig by train. Once I get there I will head back to Berlin. On my bike. I heard someone call this nonsense 🤣

May 15, 2019: Using css modules the right way, I got it to work. 🎉 In the end I had some naming clashes where I already tried to prefix my css class names with the …

May 15, 2019: I am working on my first React component library for my current client. Doing lots of things for the first time. Running into lots of roadblocks and …

May 14, 2019: This morning I took some detours on my way to my client by bike. I rode through some parks, chose small streets and enjoyed myself on my @8barbikes …

Apr 12, 2019: From my friend Ian, I learned the value of putting a clear; in front of your test runs in the terminal. Wasn’t aware of the difference it makes …

Mar 21, 2019: Inspecting changes locally before pushing If you work on your branch you run into the situation that you would like to push your changes to the remote repository. CI will then pick up your …

Mar 19, 2019: Avdi Grimm's view on deleting tests A few weeks ago I wrote about deleting your tests. Yesterday I received the weekly email from Avdi Grimm, where he touches on this subject. Some …

Mar 15, 2019: My submission to Euruko was rejected. ☹ That’s a pity, would have loved to visit Rotterdam. I still have 7 other proposals that might come …

Mar 15, 2019: External forces I am occupied with learning these days. Learning on my own about visualizations of data among other topics. But also learning about learning. For that …

Mar 13, 2019: You probably know AC/DC. But have you heard of MC/DC? If you need to test a complex conditional, you should take some time to learn about this one. …

Mar 13, 2019: Today I am working on a new visualization of fragmentation of ownership for Git repositories. The more fragmented a repo is, the more developers work …

Mar 13, 2019: Complex conditionals The other day we dealt with code coverage and gnarly conditionals. I promised to offer a way to be able to test them properly. THERE IS NONE. Ha, what …

Mar 12, 2019: I am reading the new edition of Refactoring by Martin Fowler these days. I am preparing a new workshop on Software Design and Architecture. I bet …

Mar 12, 2019: I am now using for my microposts. I will crosspost my newsletters there. And whatever I think makes sense. I will figure it out by just …

Mar 11, 2019: Code coverage can be misleading During the last week, I had two discussions about code coverage. Code coverage is the metric of how many lines of code are covered by your automated …

Mar 7, 2019: Quick wins, part 4: YAGNI We refactored some code yesterday, to move knowledge about an implementation of a function back to where it belonged: Into the function’s class …

Mar 6, 2019: Quick wins, part 3: Keep it local Yesterday I closed with this idea: Spot places where knowledge about something does not belong. What do I mean by that? Sometimes I come across some …

Mar 5, 2019: Quick wins, part 2: Method names revisited Yesterday, we had the first part of this series on quick wins and simple steps to improve your code quality. It was about naming — specifically …

Mar 4, 2019: Quick wins and simple steps for improving the quality of your code Good software needs good code. If you want to achieve a high quality in what you ship, you need to care for the quality down to each method you write. …

Mar 1, 2019: Power Laws My work as a consultant offers me the opportunity to accompany a team for a certain amount of time. I join them, we work together, and then I leave …

Feb 28, 2019: Refactoring without a care Before I get to today’s topic, I would like to say thank you, to you. My little poem yesterday seemed to resonate with you. At first, I planned …

Feb 27, 2019: A neverending story Back then; I did it; I liked it much; Found it a necessary touch; Never it challenged, I; then saw; A source without it; didn’t look too raw; …

Feb 27, 2019: A neverending story Back then; I did it; I liked it much; Found it a necessary touch; Never it challenged, I; then saw; A source without it; didn’t look too raw; …

Feb 26, 2019: Computer says no […] we do have formal rules that we should obey when writing code. A team has rules, and new team members need to learn them before trying to write …

Feb 25, 2019: Driving on the left side of the road We don’t have rules of the road for software development. You don’t have to stop at every red light or keep your speed below a specific …

Feb 22, 2019: Coding license Every country I know has an obligatory driving license before you are allowed to drive a car by yourself. No country I know has an obligatory coding …

Feb 21, 2019: Software rewrites - Does it make sense? I came across a very interesting article written by Herb Caudill, on different perspectives on rewriting software. He highlights 6 different stories …

Feb 20, 2019: Answering a comment about 'Delete all your tests' Matthias Berth is a German expert on software delivery and software quality. He politely disagreed with me on the idea that you should delete all your …

Feb 20, 2019: Answering a comment about 'Delete all your tests' Matthias Berth is a German expert on software delivery and software quality. He politely disagreed with me on the idea that you should delete all your …

Feb 19, 2019: Motivation, or: How to get your coworkers to write better code How can I get my coworkers to write better code? We closed with this question, yesterday. If you want to be able to motivate your coworkers to write …

Feb 18, 2019: Confidence, or: How to assess your coworkers Today I’d like to answer a question. As a (project or product) manager, how am I able to assess whether my coworkers write good code? …

Feb 15, 2019: 2018 State of Code Review Study 81% of respondents who were satisfied with their code review process were also satisfied with the overall quality of their software. Respondents who …

Feb 15, 2019: 2018 State of Code Review Study 81% of respondents who were satisfied with their code review process were also satisfied with the overall quality of their software. Respondents who …

Feb 14, 2019: List of programming principles List of programming principles This is a nice list of principles you could (or should?) follow in your programming. …

Feb 13, 2019: Delete all your tests!

Sorry for not writing yesterday. My schedule did not allow it. I refrained from posting anything since it wouldn’t have been of sufficient …

Feb 5, 2019: Testing strategies - Test management

You don’t need test management. You develop web applications. Your job is not rocket science. It’s demanding, and you are doing a …

Feb 4, 2019: Testing strategies - Back to start

On Friday I gave you a very quick intro on how you could increase your test coverage and confidence for an application that has no tests. You can …

Feb 1, 2019: Testing strategies

In an earlier email I asked you on your opinions as to what you would like to read more about. A bit like a “chose-your-own-adventure” …

Dec 12, 2018: A story about a feature gone bad

Chad clicked the button and created his pull request. He had worked on his feature really long — it must have been three weeks. Finally, it was time …

Oct 26, 2018: Only two rules There are only two hard rules when doing code review with your coworkers: Keep it professional. Don’t. Get. Personal. Don’t take it …

Oct 22, 2018: Indentation as a Complexity Metric

If you want to measure the complexity of your software, there is a lot of software, tools and software-as-a-service offerings available. These options …

Oct 19, 2018: Show your work

I wanted to add something to the topic from two days ago: Quality in the eyes of your users.

There is a thing I did not mention. A practice that could …

Oct 18, 2018: Interfaces

In computing, an interface is a shared boundary across which two or more separate components of a computer system exchange information. (Source: …

Oct 17, 2018: Quality in the eyes of your users

I bet that most people reading this won’t have UAT or QA. So what could you do to still achieve quality in the eyes of your users?

Yours users will …

Oct 16, 2018: Two views on quality

During the last months I wrote a lot about quality and how to develop high-quality software. These letters dealt with topics like linting your code, …

Oct 11, 2018: Fundamentals

I am an expert in writing and working with Ruby and Ruby on Rails. But today I was in a fortunate position to realise something: By now, I am …

Oct 10, 2018: Taking note

Today I want to share a small little idea with you. An idea that can have grave consequences if misregarded:

When you schedule a meeting with your …

Oct 9, 2018: Evolve

Since I strongly believe that you can only achieve high-quality work if you trust your teammates, I am trying something today. I trust you.

I will …

Oct 8, 2018: Frustration

Over the weekend I had (kind of) a conversation with a good friend. The topic revolved around doing the work on software projects, and how that is …

Oct 5, 2018: How to train for a marathon

If you want to run a marathon, you have to train for it. Very few people can do that without deliberate training. You have to run for many kilometers …

Oct 4, 2018: Measure it

I believe in improving the quality of your software projects. If you want to improve something, you have to measure it first. That idea was introduced …

Oct 1, 2018: Code quality & security audit

I spent the day at a new client’s office. They hired my to do a complete code quality and security audit for their website and shop system. They …

Sep 28, 2018: One metric

From the feedback I got for my questions and letters regarding the quality of software projects, I can tell you one metric software developers look …

Sep 27, 2018: Let the computer help you with that comment

Commenting code and documenting it has been a topic in these letters already. I linked to resources on how to write docs etc. For the future, this …

Sep 26, 2018: Time well spent

Yesterday I went to an exciting event. The topic was “Can Artificial Intelligence synthesize software?”. The company Seerene organized the …

Sep 25, 2018: Don't build a five-star hotel

When you want to go on vacation, somewhere far away, where you haven’t been… How do you decide for the hotel? What language speaks to you on …

Sep 24, 2018: Risk list

Imagine you are doing a software project. It is mostly going like planned. Things happen. You anticipated them and prepared for them. But there are …

Sep 21, 2018: Cyclomatic complexity

To achieve high quality in your team’s code, you should use tools like a static analyzer. These analyzers give you lots of metrics. One is the …

Sep 20, 2018: How to paint a fence

If you paint a fence, you need to make sure to prepare the wood. Take coarse-grained sandpaper and sand the old paint. You have to take it off the …

Sep 19, 2018: Planning for technical debt

Do you know the term technical debt? Wikipedia describes it as “a concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional …

Sep 18, 2018: Standing in for quality

If you read these letters for a few issues, you might have already noticed that I like quality in software engineering. I try to optimize for quality …

Sep 17, 2018: All your data are belong to us

The latest Chrome beta (version 70) introduces changes to the Shape Detection API and the Web Authentication API.

The Shape Detection API consists of …

Sep 17, 2018: All your data are belong to us

The latest Chrome beta (version 70) introduces changes to the Shape Detection API and the Web Authentication API.

The Shape Detection API consists of …

Sep 14, 2018: Again, why are we doing this?

Imagine you have a team member that always criticises your work. You make commit after commit and put your best effort forth, you try to find the best …

Sep 14, 2018: Again, why are we doing this?

Imagine you have a team member that always criticises your work. You make commit after commit and put your best effort forth, you try to find the best …

Sep 13, 2018: Art

The other week I went on vacation with my family. We flew to Switzerland and had a really great time. I took the big camera to make gorgeous shots of …

Sep 12, 2018: Where's your GPS

Imagine you are about to go on a trip. Perhaps with your partner or some friends. You want to take the car into the woods, to a place you have never …

Sep 11, 2018: The four types of documentation

You probably already noticed from the title of this letter, the topic of documentation is still important to me. Now that I began spending time with …

Sep 10, 2018: Stardom (continued)

I received great replies to my letter last week. I want to quote two for you today.

First is Jacob Wyke on the question why these people become some …

Sep 7, 2018: Stardom

Do we have software development stars? I was wondering. We have people like David Heinemeier-Hanson who created Rails. We have Martin Fowler and Uncle …

Sep 5, 2018: Code Quality through high-quality docs

Hi friend.

I am going to drum the quality drum again. This is a big topic and I know for a fact that I haven’t even scratched the surface of …

Sep 4, 2018: Teamwork

Hi friend.

You might remember that I told you about my “type”, the INTJ (Architect). Reader Gary wrote in to share his thoughts about that …

Sep 3, 2018: Processes for achieving quality

Hi friend.

So I’ve been busy at my client’s today. I had to implement a sidebar navigation with React. I did something like that a few …

Aug 31, 2018: Quality (continued)

Hi friend.

My brother reads these emails as well, and responded with some interesting thoughts re: quality. Shared with permission:

Aside from hard …

Aug 30, 2018: Quality

Hi friend.

If you buy a piece of furniture, like a chair, you can compare it with all the other chairs in the exhibition. You can sit on them and …

Aug 29, 2018: Trade-offs

When developing software you usually optimise for some aspect of the creation process. There are many things when considering a software development …

Aug 28, 2018: Lazygit

Today I want to share a small utility with you. I am a heavy user of Git, for years now. I am confident to use it on the command line, yet I still …

Aug 27, 2018: What am I doing?

My freelancing since January couldn’t go any better. I am happy, I am learning and I am challenged. But I already know, that freelancing for …

Aug 24, 2018: Daylight saving time

Did you hear about the European Union polling its citizen about whether DST is really necessary?

Because I thought it’s funny I sent this issue …

Aug 23, 2018: You get to decide

Yesterday I got my hair cut. The hairdresser was rather chatty and told me all sorts of things. When her friend came in they went on to lamenting …

Aug 22, 2018: The Inner-Platform Effect

“The Inner Platform Effect is an anti-pattern that occurs when a software system is designed to be so customizable that it ends up being a poor …

Aug 21, 2018: Why are our estimates off, always?

As I previously mentioned I freelance for a nice client right now. I am embedded into a great team and like working with these people. Summer came and …

Aug 20, 2018: Formatting dates

When was the last time you needed to display a formatted date somewhere in your applications? Since I work a lot on React (or generally JS) apps these …

Aug 17, 2018: Reading Code

_ This is another email I am sending while being happily busy with our newborn._

Two days ago I linked you to an article about Livable Code. Today …

Aug 16, 2018: Surprises when starting out as a software developer

_ This is another email I am sending while being happily busy with our newborn._

My first job was as a software developer at Ericsson in Montreal, …

Aug 15, 2018: Big Nerd Ranch

This is another email I am sending while being happily busy with our newborn.

Sometimes things don’t always go as planned. Code breaks, servers …

Aug 14, 2018: Livable Code

First of all, sorry for not writing to you yesterday. I spent the day in the hospital with my wife. Our second daughter was born on 1:20pm yesterday …

Aug 10, 2018: My automated publishing workflow

A week ago I mentioned my Automation project: Factory 0.1. During the last week I managed to get it to a point where it works. Today I wanted to tell …

Aug 9, 2018: Books I enjoyed reading

Since I love reading I thought I switch things up for today and share a small list of books I enjoyed (and why I enjoyed them).

All links are no …

Aug 8, 2018: Maintenance and janitorial activities

You walk into a room. You haven’t been here before but you need to find something. Your friend told you, that you’ll find it there: …

Aug 7, 2018: Premature optimization

Yesterday I told you about our struggles with the new door bell. While, sadly, this state is still unchanged, there’s another story there that …

Aug 6, 2018: Spaghetti wirings no-one knew about

Over the course of the weekend we tried to install a new door bell for our house. The old system is really old, falls apart and works only some days. …

Aug 3, 2018: Let's practice together

Where I sit writing this email, today is Friday. So tomorrow the weekend starts. Do you already have plans for the weekend? Perhaps we’ll go to …

Aug 2, 2018: The bullshit web and our responsibility

My home computer in 1998 had a 56K modem connected to our telephone line; we were allowed a maximum of thirty minutes of computer usage a day, …

Aug 1, 2018: When do you know enough?

“When did you reach the point where you didn’t need to read another research report, didn’t need to absorb another scouting analysis, …

Jul 31, 2018: Professionalism

This morning I was visiting the hospital with my pregnant wife. She’s in the 39th week and over the course of the weekend we had some concerns …

Jul 30, 2018: The 4-day workweek

In this enlightening article from the New York Times, Charlotte Graham-McLay reports about a company from New Zealand that tried something out. They …

Jul 27, 2018: Sorry to say, but you’ve been hacked

Please excuse this email’s subject line. Did you receive an email like that before? As I wrote a few days ago, I did.

Jul 26, 2018: Things happen for a reason

I am currently reading a very interesting book: “Principles” by Ray Dalio It was recommended to me by several sources, most notably by Sebastian …

Jul 25, 2018: Test driven development

Test-driven-development. There’s no other way to do this.

Jul 24, 2018: Software development on construction sites

A few days ago, a friend told me about the construction site that is located right outside the window of his living room. He was, understandably, …

Jul 23, 2018: Did you just click the link?

perhaps you remember one of my last newsletters, back when I wrote them from the domain. I told you that I switched the content …

Jul 20, 2018: GDPR, or: How I stopped worrying and love my users

A few days ago I received an email from my bank where I keep my business account (n26 if you want to know), informing me that my personal details …

Jun 13, 2018: Riding 100 Miles* on a 102-Year-Old Bike | Outside Online While cycling technology continues to improve, one can easily argue that, aesthetically speaking, the bicycle peaked 40 years ago and it’s been …

Jun 11, 2018: Link: Compass Maes Parallel 31.8 handlebar In seiner Serie „Beyond “Compact” Dropbars“ stellt „Bike Hugger Mark V“ Alternativen zu den bekannten Dropbas vor. Hier ist Teil 3. Once upon a time …

Jun 10, 2018: Fahren in der Dunkelheit Es ist soweit. Ich bin süchtig. Radfahren ist meine Droge geworden. Durch den Wind fahren, neue Orte erkunden, andere Dinge sehen. Das alles auf dem …

Jun 9, 2018: Nachtrag zur MSR Zeit Ich schrieb bei meinem MSR Bericht, dass meine reine Fahrtzeit 9h irgendwas betrug, und die Gesamtzeit unter 13h lag, dass aber ja nur die 9h zählen …

Jun 8, 2018: Familienkompatibel fit bleiben Ich war mit der Familie im Urlaub. Wunderbar auf Griechenland. Leider halt ohne Rad. Also nutze ich das gleiche Training wie so häufig im Winter …

Jun 3, 2018: Linkempfehlung So here are the key lessons I took home in 55 completed Audaxes, including Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 and London-Edinburgh-London 2017, and a total of …

Jun 1, 2018: 300km — Die Mecklenburger Seen Runde Mein sportliches Highlight diese Saison stand relativ früh an: Die Mecklenburger Seen Runde. Länge 300 km, 2000 Höhenmeter. Wobei gleich zu Beginn …

Sep 3, 2016: Es geht los zur Ostsee Erste Etappe: Mit der Bahn nach Bernau. 

Aug 29, 2016: Die erste Ausfahrt mit dem Endurace Am Sonntag klingelte mein Wecker um 04:50 Uhr. Nach einem kleinen Frühstück packte ich meine Sachen zusammen und ging hinunten in den Keller. Das Rad …

Aug 22, 2016: Die 6.000 sind geknackt Heute habe ich auf meiner Heimfahrt die 6.000km mit meinem „Ori“ geknackt. Der Ritt war schnell, da ich durch die Bestellung des Endurace noch ganz …