Maybe the answer is simpler than I think. Maybe I should just keep things simple. If I like my coffee the way it tastes, that should be enough. If I enjoy playing the guitar songs I love, there’s no need to dig into the theory behind them. And when I write on my blog daily or a few times a week, that’s enough too. There’s no need to turn a hobby into something bigger. It’s fine as it is — an enjoyable way to spend time. Trying to grow it into something more only leads to destruction.

I feel you, Yordi. I’ve been there. And I am not sure I am not still there. I always wanted to do things “right”. It’s actually a mantra of mine: “If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing it right.”

But that quickly leads to burnout and boredom. Unless you find a way to do things in moderation. Recently I picked up singing. And I do that maybe once or twice per week. And I enjoy it tremendously. Now I started playing piano again, and mostly re-learning it. And building on the little that I already knew. And I specifically set me the goal of not playing more than once or twice a week. Not daily or anything like that. Because then I know that I would hate it soon.

So yes, my last blog post was a few days ago. I don’t need to write daily. Let others do that. 🫶