I recently wrote about Pinboard and how I use Obsidian to save bookmarks.

For saving website to reference later, which you could call bookmarking, I mostly use Obsidian. It’s my preferred solution for taking notes that I want to keep. Right now I have over 5.600 notes in there. A big part of those are my journal notes, which I imported from Day one. To make saving websites quicker I wrote a small Alfred.app workflow that calls a Shortcut (from Apple shortcuts). If everything works out (it does most of the times!) a note is created in Obsidian.

Since then I tweaked my Apple shortcut a bit. A reason for that was that Brett Terpstra has released Marky 2.0:

I recently revived Marky the Markdownfier. In case you missed it, Marky turns any web page into clippable Markdown for storage in notes/organization apps.

Marky is available via API/cURL. That made it quiet reasonably easy to save the website’s content as markdown and add it to the note. That essentially freezes the contents and the bookmark gains value since it acts like an archive. It’s not always pretty what comes out as Markdown, but it does the job well enough.

I didn’t stop there, though. I learned about Obsidian’s feature to embed websites as iframes.

Learn how to use the iframe HTML element to embed web pages in your notes.

And now my notes will be prettier still with the original website embedded as iframe.

Here is the link to the Apple Shortcut https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/27c9d7137bd54e4f9291c33b0020374d How you use that shortcut is up to you. My preferred way is to call it from Alfred.app