Yesterday, I read an opinion about the bookmarking service I am a user since 2010. In 2019 I paid ~$210 for a 10 year contract because I wanted to do my part to keep the service running and enable the founder to do his thing. Because I believed in his mission and the purpose of the service. Gordon made me aware that Pinboard might be over. There is a Hacker News thread for the linked article where alternatives are discussed, if you are interested. The thing is, I believe Gordon and others might be right. Roughly 1,5 years ago I tried to write a small application to interface with the Pinboard API. Unfortunately, the API didn’t work as expected. When I looked into it, I learned about a version 2 of that API that was supposed to be in development. The documentation to that API was insufficient and things didn’t work in any way like they were documented. When I reached out to the Pinboard founder I heard nothing back. The state of the API hasn’t changed at all since then. There were no updates.

The founder still writes on the web about things like lunar programs and moon landers with SpaceX and other political topics. He also gave entertaining talks on conferences during the last years. But he didn’t do what he was paid for. At least in my opinion. Sure, the basic website still works. And maybe that could be considered enough?

I have since stopped using the service. Bookmarking is an activity I not do as often anymore as before. If I want to have a website handy for later reading or watching, I use Omnivore. It’s an open-source solution that is free to use. Eventually you can even do self-hosting. I chose it because it works well and I can read and understand the code and tech stack. If they ever decide to discontinue the web app I can host it myself.

For saving website to reference later, which you could call bookmarking, I mostly use Obsidian. It’s my preferred solution for taking notes that I want to keep. Right now I have over 5.600 notes in there. A big part of those are my journal notes, which I imported from Day one.
To make saving websites quicker I wrote a small workflow that calls a Shortcut (from Apple shortcuts). If everything works out (it does most of the times!) a note is created in Obsidian.

I attached a screenshot of the note, because I don’t have a good way to share it with you otherwise right now. Those bookmarks land in a folder called /sites. I can add tags and link them to my notes, or references the bookmark in a note somewhere else. It doesn’t save a complete copy of the bookmark. So if the website disappears from the web, my bookmark would cease to work. Maybe that is something that I will add later. I am not sure yet.

So yeah, Pinboard is dead as far as I am concerned.