I’ll be starting my stream now www.twitch.tv/5minpause

Good morning from snowy Berlin.

I will start streaming now www.twitch.tv/5minpause 🎉

I don’t know whether I made a mistake but submitting my reply to your post didn’t seem to work @V_ ? The form to submit a comment on your site didn’t really work?

I want to clearly speak out that I don’t share DHH’s views or opinions. I love working with Ruby on Rails and will continue using it for my clients and on my projects. Since Rails has been the product of many clever minds over the years, I do not think that using it endorses shitty people.

Wonderful sunrise over Berlin today

Spent 2.5hours streaming today

I spent 2.5hours streaming today. Last year I took up streaming and did around 2 hours in total. Today I just continued and didn’t stop until it I had to take a break 🚽🫣.

Since I am still waiting on hearing back from from the Pinboard.in creator about their API status, I used the time I had to work on a new ap idea of mine. It’s about an app to manage the chores in our house and who’s doing what. We had a system to manage it for about two years now. Our old method used pen and paper and we reached its limit. The new app will hopefully let work better.

The streaming was fun. I didn’t have anybody watching the stream. But I didn’t mind. I did receive my first at spam comment though! 🥳 I regard that as progress: A first step out of irrelevance 😂

Since I am without client projects right now for reasons I will get into later, I simply will use the time to stream and build my app.

If you want to have a look within the next days:


Merry Christmas 😘

Unser Bad Renovierungsprojekt dauert länger als gedacht. Immerhin sind wir heute voran gekommen. Die letzten 2,5 Wochen mussten wir vor allem auf das Trocknen von Wand und Boden warten. Heute war Abdichten dran. Morgen wird gefliest!

Port Askaig im Whisky Sour 🥃 😍

Bin den halben Weg zur Arbeit gelaufen. Der Herbst ist da.

On my way to the barbershop yesterday. I liked how there’s such a clear vantage point.

Guter Artikel!

Debatte über Migration: Warmes Herz, kühler Kopf - taz.de

Wir müssen uns ehrlich machen: Wir schaffen das nicht mehr. Es kommen zu viele Menschen zu uns, von denen sehr viele keine Bleiberechtsperspektive haben. Der Artikel 16a im Grundgesetz ist Auftrag und Verpflichtung zugleich. Wer unter dessen Schutzbereich fällt, dem wollen und dem müssen wir als Kommune helfen und Asyl gewähren, dies ist unstrittig. Wir müssen aber unterscheiden zwischen Asylbewerbern, Kriegs- und Katastrophenflüchtlingen und Menschen, die aus […] wirtschaftlichen Gründen zu uns kommen.

I was 94% accurate! ✅⬜️⬜️✅✅✅✅✅ Can you do better? www.brilliant.org/challenge…

Great game!

We did a little walk through central Berlin on the weekend.

My current desk setup. Went back to one monitor + laptop screen.

Finished reading: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 📚 I liked this a lot. Gamers and people born in the late 70s/early 80s have much to relate to.

This is new (to me) in Apple Music. Animations!

Das war der Beginn…

So sehen vier Stunden Arbeit aus. Gut voran gekommen, aber noch viel zu tun.