Today is the final day of a three-day workshop on FHIR and the firely server. I am actually writing some C# code today. Haven’t interacted with that language for over 10 years. Three days of workshops is a nice change of pace. Also lots of delicious food and a great presenter/coach in Mirjam Baltus.

A good neighborhood store might make me think, “I wonder if Sam has anything interest in stock this week?” A good blog should make me hope Sam has new posts. […] But, a personal web space is a bit of a sports car in a workshop too. An interesting garage might make me think, “Hey I wonder what car Hank is working on this week?” A good blog makes me think, Hank’s site is so fascinating, I should go talk to him about it or make my own.

Wanted to quote the whole post I liked it so much.…

Yesterday I visited the Elixir / Ruby user group mashup in Berlin. I gave a talk about my professional journey and why I left freelancing for good. From what I heard it was well received. There even was a bartender who served delicious cocktails sans alcohol.

We’re meeting today at @bitcrowd with our friends from @elixirberlin to celebreate their 100th meetup!

We’ll talk about ChatGPT and switching from freelancing back to full time employment - by @xhr15 and @holger

There will be Pizza and cake

Original post:…

This Holger person is me! Looking forward to doing a talk again after a few years break from talking publicly.

walking the dog

The puppy needs rest! So much today today! 🐶

Currently watching Griselda Blanco on Netflix. I continue to be amazed and shocked at the same time how the storytelling and cinematography make you root for one of the worst and evil person of all time.

The comprehensive guide to doing pull requests

This is a guide on what I consider the best way to do a pull request1. There are many ways to do this. I consider this to be the best way because of my experiences doing it like that with different teams. The results tell me that I am right. But first: What is a pull request? What is a pull request, or: How should I integrate my changes with the code To make any of this work, you need to be using a version control hosting provider like GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket.

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I really like using Lillihub by @heyloura for accessing and you should all have a look at it!

One tiny thing I’ve just noticed: When opening the Actions, the element’s size changes. Once it’s open the bottom seems strange, as if there was something drawn over the bottom border.

This morning I restarted writing my journal entries in DayOne. At some point I’ve switched to writing those in Obsidian, painfully recreating my templates and migrating existing (thousands!) entries. But somehow I lost the streak. has a voucher that saves 25% on a year premium…

Started reading: The Ember Blade (The Darkwater Legacy) by Chris Wooding 📚

I am reading the German translation. I am in chapter 4 and unsure. On the one hand everything told up to this point is pretty banal/mundane. On the other I am already in chapter 4. Something keeps me reading.…

Höcke stoppen! Wir müssen alles tun, was wir können um den Faschismus aufzuhalten. Bitte unterzeichnet!

Finished reading: Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb 📚 I sat and just couldn’t put it down. Read until past 1am. It was moving and a great final chapter for the trilogy. Now I am asking myself whether I should pick up the next trilogy in the line or read something else first. 🤔

My stream is about to start today. I will run it for about 75 minutes now. Today I’ll try to use GitHub Copilot as a coding buddy.

Today there won’t be a stream as I have a terrrible cold and I don’t want to share my sniffing and sneazing with you all 🤧 😷 🤒

Another day, another stream

Yesterday I’ve streamed for another 2 hours. While I started with a “Just Chatting” segment, I quickly turned to programming again. Not least because I was only chatting with myself 😂. Eventually I started with implementing an algorithm for “rolling weeks” in my chores app. Have a look to find out what that is about 😉…

In a few minutes my stream will be live again. Today it’s mostly chatting, maybe a bit of programming. Would really make my day if you dropped by and stayed to chat a bit.

Today’s stream went quite well again. I started with fixing an algorithm which was hard to get correct for me, yesterday. Afterwards, I continued working on my chores app for a bit. The stream was a bit shorter today and I had two people taking part through the chat.